
Hoc sap 2000
Hoc sap 2000

The branch came back to Huế after ten years of disruption, and was conquered by French Colonialists as a barrack on April 29, 1955. One branch called "Binh Tri Thien School" was located in Huong Khe, Hà Tĩnh province and the other branch called "Huynh Thuc Khang School", was located in Đức Thọ, Hà Tĩnh Province. On 19 December 1946, during the confrontation against French Colonialists, the school was moved into two places: In 1932, Quốc Học – Huế opened many specialized classes and became known as Khải Định Lycee. Many school graduates have got admitted to prestigious universities and colleges in the world, including: MIT, National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, University of Cambridge, KAIST, The University Of Chicago, etc. Quốc Học – Huế ranked first nationally in the 2012 Vietnam university admission ranking. The school is also famous for the notable political leaders who graduated from it, and Ho Chi Minh who was dismissed from it in 1908 for revolutionary activities.

hoc sap 2000

Other schools include Chu Van An High School in Hanoi and Lê Hồng Phong High School in Ho Chi Minh City. For a long time, Quốc Học – Huế has always been ranked in the top three high schools in the nation in terms of the quality of education. The school is recognized for its strong academic results, students' qualities and staffs' levels. Founded on October 23, 1896, Quốc Học - Huế is the third oldest high school in Vietnam. Quốc Học – Huế High School for the Gifted or simply " the Quốc Học of Huế" is a national magnet and gifted high school in Thừa Thiên–Huế, Vietnam. Hiền tài là nguyên khí quốc gia (Talents and Virtues are the nation's sap)

Hoc sap 2000